Tokyo Game Show, Chiba
A certain ILoveAi from the [GameFAQs][1] message boards was going to come out here and go to Tokyo Game Show 2002 with me, but as it turned out he couldn’t make it. I didn’t want to go alone, as I’m not even really into games enough to enjoy it without others with whom to hang out. A night before the show started, I got a call from Wyrd (Tom) up in Sendai, another GameFAQs person, who wanted to know if I’d like to go to the show with a group he was getting together. I said, “yeah”. So the next night, we all met at Shakey’s Pizza on Omote Sando. Tom, his friends from school back in the USA, Shannon and Leah, two other JET dudes from Sendai, Aaron and Lawrence, and a random dude who has a mutual friend with them, Kendrick, were all in attendance. We enjoyed pizza and I enjoyed pretty much the first extended social encounter I’ve had in English in quite a while. The next day I came to meet them all at the Game Show in Chiba (not in Tokyo as the name suggests). Here’s a very tiny fraction of the line to get in. In true Japanese fashion, complete order and politeness were preserved without even having stretch barriers set up for much of the line. People just filed back and forth across the designated area. [1]: