My friend from when I lived in Tokyo, miss Leah, invoked me to procure her one Twisp and Catsby from the [Penny Arcade][1] gents at our city’s comic convention. I collected one Shishka and we went to stand in the cold on a Saturday morning. We were let in, we made a beeline to the PA table, we got our goods, we wandered around the show floor for about fifteen minutes, we discovered a nice import toys shop that carries _Pinky:ST_ for Pete’s sake, we built up the courage to go talk to the PA guys, we went and did that, we took this picture, and we left, smiling at the baffled dude who tried to stamp our hands but was told we were already done 25 minutes after the convention had started. [1]:
It’s been over a month since we went to the peninsula, and I’m still posting photos from there. I’d like to catch up with the present, but I’m not sure what kind of photos I’d post; all I’ve been doing lately is working, coding for SL, talking in IRC, playing Sentimental Graffiti on Segasaturn, and watching movies with Andrew. And, of course, talking to Hiroko via iSight. None of these activities offers very compelling photo opportunities. I’m not unwell, though. Things are just very, very quiet.
With Piroko gone, my lifestyle has slipped on a big banana peel. From moment to moment, I still feel like the same guy, but overall something is very strange. I make the same jokes at work, I am still working hard on [SL][1], I go home and play Segasaturn… But this constant presence of motivation and inspiration is missing. [iSights][2] do their part to stave off absolute isolation. [1]: [2]:
The next day we came back to the beach to see it in the light.